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Solar electricity plants
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solar electricity plant Rio de Janeiro  

  Rio's Welcome Sign (2016 Olympics) 

" Solar City Tower ", built atop the island of Cotonduba will be the welcome symbol to the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro . 

It will be seen by the game visitors and participants as they arrive by air or water. The tower captures solar energy. It will supply energy  for all of the Olympic city, as well as also for part of Rio ..

It pumps up water from the ocean to create what  appears like a water fall and this fall stimulates turbines  that produce energy during the night. It will also hold the Olympic flame. 

Read the story and be amazed by the beautiful pictures !

Main Apple data center to tap only renewable power

(source: May 17th 2012)

(Reuters) - Apple Inc plans to power its main, North Carolina, data center entirely with renewable energy sources by the end of this year, taking steps to address longstanding environmental concerns about the rapid expansion of high-consuming computer server farms.
On Thursday, the makers of the iPhone and iPad said it was building two solar array installations in and around Maiden, North Carolina, with the ability to supply 84 million kWh of energy annually.
Those sites will use high-efficiency solar cells and an advanced solar tracking system. Apple did not mention which companies will supply the equipment needed. Later in 2012, it also intends to build a third, smaller bio-gas fuel-cell plant. (Reporting By Poornima Gupta; Editing by Tim Dobbyn)


Apple zegt anno maart 2013 dat 75% van haar energiegebruik komt van hernieuwbare energie: zonne-, wind- hydro- en geothermische energie. 2 jaar geleden was dat nog 35%. Haar datacentra draaien 100% op hernieuwbare energie en de hoofdkantoren in Cupertino eveneens.
North Carolina (USA)

grootste particuliere zonnepark ter wereld  


In Maiden, North Carolina., the world's largest onsite user-owned solar array. Click to enlarge. Photo: Apple Inc.

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Copyright 2010 f(f): Dr. Hugo H. van der Molen (editor)

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